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Subsea Desalination

Revolutionizing Water Solutions for Municipal, Industrial, and Agricultural Needs

This article explores the transformative potential of subsea desalination systems, a new adaptation of SWRO leading to significant energy savings and greatly reduced environmental impact, and the broad applications and benefits for municipal, industrial, and agricultural needs.


Topics Covered in This Article

Table of Contents

1.  The Water Challenge: Introduction to the Global Water Problem

2.  Conventional Desalination: A Promising Solution Needing Refinement 


  • Thermal Desalination

  • Membrane-Based Desalination (SWRO)

  • Challenges of Conventional Desalination

  • Environmental and Sustainability Concerns of Desalination

  • Pros and Cons of Desalination


3.  Subsea SWRO: Leading the Way in Sustainable Desalination

  • Understanding Subsea Desalination

  • Flocean's Desal: Revolutionizing Sustainable Desalination

  • Environmental and Economic Benefits

4.  Applications and Benefits

  • Municipal Water Supply

  • Industrial Applications

  • Agricultural Needs and Water Management


5.  Examining Key Markets Confronting Water Challenges

  • Greece

  • Spain

  • France

  • Italy

  • Cyprus


6.   Conclusion
7.   Investor Insights
8.   Strategic Partnerships
9.   Final Words
10. References and Further Reading

1. The Water Challenge 

1. The Water Challenge 

Introduction to the Global Water Problem

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As the global population continues to grow and climate change intensifies water scarcity, finding sustainable solutions for clean water has become more critical than ever before. According to the United Nations World Water Development Report 2023:

Global water use has been increasing by roughly 1% per year over the last 40 years, driven by population growth, economic development, and changing consumption patterns.

Humans cannot survive without water for more than three days, with the average person needing approximately 3.2 liters per day. Additionally, there is a significant 'hidden' water footprint in our everyday lives from food and energy production. By 2050, the growing population will require 50% more food. Agriculture, already the largest user of water, accounts for over 70% of withdrawals. It takes between 2,000 and 5,000 liters of water to produce one person's daily food intake, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) .


Groundwater levels are depleting at an unprecedented rate, with significant drops in aquifer levels due to intensive water withdrawals, particularly for agriculture. Aquifers, which are underground layers of water-bearing rock that provide essential water supplies for various uses, are being heavily impacted.


The United Nations World Water Development Report 2022, estimates that our groundwater reserves are being depleted at a rate of 100 to 200 cubic kilometers annually. This means that each year, we are using up a significant amount of our underground water storage, which accounts for 15-25% of all groundwater withdrawals. This rapid depletion indicates that a substantial portion of our groundwater resources is being consumed every year, which could have serious implications for water availability in the future. A detailed study available on SpringerLink covers the broader implications of groundwater depletion globally.


Each year, an area of fertile soil the size of New Mexico or Poland is swallowed by deserts, rendering it useless for farming. Over 75% of the Earth's land area is already degraded, and over 90% could become degraded by 2050, according to The World Counts. Additionally, global water scarcity is becoming more severe, with 1 out of 4 people living in areas of extreme water stress. 


By 2030, global water demand is expected to exceed supply by 40%.




2. Conventional Desalination

A Promising Solution Needing Refinement 

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2. Conventional Desalination

Desalination, the process of removing salts and impurities from seawater to produce fresh water, has emerged as a vital technology in addressing these challenges. Nearly 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 100 km of an ocean or sea, making desalination an important solution for coastal areas. 


Desalination can be broadly categorized into thermal and membrane-based methods, making desalination an important solution for coastal areas.



Thermal Desalination


Thermal desalination processes, such as multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and multiple-effect distillation (MED), use heat to evaporate seawater and condense the vapor to produce fresh water. These processes are energy-intensive and typically used in regions with low-cost energy resources. While effective, their high energy consumption and operational costs limit their widespread adoption.



Membrane-Based Desalination (SWRO)


Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) involves forcing seawater through a semi-permeable membrane to remove salts and impurities, producing fresh water. The picture below illustrates the reverse osmosis process in a desalination plant compared to regular osmosis:

Seawater Reverse Osmosis diagram.jpg

Source DuPont FilmTec Reverse Osmosis Membranes Technical ManualFlocean AS

Reverse Osmosis Diagrams and System Components


A  SWRO system consists of several key components: pre-treatment units, high-pressure pumps, RO membranes, and post-treatment units. The pre-treatment phase involves filtering the seawater to remove large particles and other contaminants that can deteriorate the RO-membranes. High-pressure pumps then force the water through the RO membranes, which selectively allow water molecules to pass while blocking salts and impurities. The resulting fresh water undergoes post-treatment to adjust pH and add necessary minerals before it is suitable for use. 


The efficiency and effectiveness of SWRO systems have made them the preferred choice for desalination, accounting for approximately 70% of the global desalination capacity. The technology is critical for the accessibility to clean water for human consumption and agriculture as well as for industries that require large volumes of water, such as manufacturing and power generation. The use of reverse osmosis in industrial desalination is found globally and particularly exemplified by large-scale plants in the MENA region as well as in Australia, USA and Spain.


However, SWRO systems require high pressure to overcome osmotic pressure, leading to significant power usage and high carbon emissions.



Challenges of Conventional Desalination


  1. High Power Consumption: The desalination process, whether thermal or membrane-based, requires substantial energy. Thermal processes need high temperatures, while membrane processes, like SWRO, require high pressure. This energy demand results in high operational costs and significant carbon emissions.

  2. Biological Activity: High biological activity in intake water necessitates extensive pre-treatment processes, which occupy large areas and involve the use of chemicals that harm marine life. This pre-treatment is essential to protect the delicate membranes used in SWRO from fouling and damage.

  3. Environmental Impact: Conventional desalination plants often have a significant environmental footprint. A multitude of inefficiencies result in concerns for the environment with high energy consumption and consequently high emissions as well as the use of chemicals in pre-treatment and the subsequent discharge of this concentrate into the ocean being some of the concerns. Others are related to impingement and entrainment in intakes, leakage and contamination of aquifers between the plant and its outfall and more. .

  4. Scaling and Bio-Fouling: One of the biggest challenges in today’s SWRO is the scaling and bio-fouling of pre-treatment and particularly RO membranes. The bio-fouling issue is closely linked to biological activity but is significant enough to merit its own consideration. Bio-fouling leads to operational issues, increased maintenance costs, and a higher rate of filter and membrane replacement, with discarded elements often ending up in landfills, further exacerbating environmental impact.

  5. Operational Challenges: Designing desalination plants to handle seasonal variations and surface-related events can be challenging. Factors such as storms, jellyfish swarms, and algae blooms can severely impact operations by clogging intake systems and increasing maintenance requirements. These issues can lead to operational inefficiencies or, in the worst case, prolonged stand-stills.

  6. Costly Intakes and Outfalls: Building and maintaining the infrastructure for seawater intakes and concentrate outfalls can be very expensive. These structures must be designed to minimize environmental impact and withstand harsh marine conditions, adding to the overall cost of desalination projects.

  7. Land Footprint: The land footprint of desalination plants can disrupt local land flora and fauna. The construction and operation of these facilities can lead to habitat loss and changes in land use patterns, affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.

  8. Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Issues: Workers in desalination plants face various risks, including high-pressure systems, rotating machinery, and working at heights. Ensuring the safety of personnel is a significant concern. Notably, Flocean’s desalination solution stands out as it operates without the presence of personnel, reducing these HSE risks.

  9. Waste Management: The disposal of brine, a by-product of the desalination process, poses a serious environmental challenge. High concentrations of salt and other chemicals in the brine can harm marine life when discharged back into the ocean. Innovative solutions are needed to manage and mitigate the environmental impacts of brine disposal effectively.

  10. Energy Source Dependence: The carbon footprint of desalination plants depends heavily on the energy sources used. Plants relying on fossil fuels contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning to renewable energy sources for desalination processes is crucial to reducing their environmental impact.



Addressing the Challenges


Enhancing the sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of desalination is crucial. Efficient energy management and the development of technologies that reduce power consumption and other stress caused on the environment are key to making desalination more sustainable.


  1. Energy Management: The energy required to counteract osmotic pressure increases with the salinity of the water (the concentration of salts in water). Higher salinity necessitates greater pressure to overcome osmotic forces. This pressure requirement is also influenced by operational settings, such as the membrane recovery rate and the degree of scaling and fouling. Effective energy management is essential for the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of SWRO operations. It involves optimizing these factors to reduce energy consumption and enhance efficiency. Moreover, the choice of the plant's energy source is crucial in determining its overall carbon footprint. Utilizing renewable energy sources can significantly lower CO2 emissions, making the desalination process more environmentally friendly. 

  2. Technological Innovations: Advancements in nanostructured membranes, energy recovery devices, and high-efficiency pumps have significantly reduced the energy consumption of SWRO systems. These innovations, combined with the use of renewable energy sources, can help reduce the carbon footprint of desalination plants.

  3. Environmental Mitigation: The development of chemical-free pre-treatment processes and sustainable concentrate discharge methods can minimize the environmental impact of desalination. For example, using multi-port diffusers to effectively disperse concentrate reduces localized salinity increases and protects marine life. 


While SWRO and thermal desalination are critical technologies for addressing water scarcity, they present significant challenges that must be addressed to enhance their sustainability and reduce their environmental impact. By focusing on energy efficiency, technological innovation, and environmental mitigation, the desalination industry can continue to provide vital fresh water resources while minimizing its ecological footprint. Understanding why desalination is important helps highlighting the necessity of innovations that reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.



Environmental and Sustainability Concerns of Desalination


The environmental impact and sustainability of desalination are subjects of ongoing debate. To understand the full picture, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of desalination, explore its sustainability, and highlight the importance of groundwater conservation.



Desalination pros and cons


Pros of Desalination:


  • Reliable Water Supply: Desalination provides a continuous and reliable water source, essential for areas experiencing severe water scarcity. It is particularly beneficial for regions where traditional water sources are insufficient or unreliable.


  • Draught Proof: Unlike traditional water sources dependent on rainfall and river flows and limited evaporation, desalination offers a stable supply regardless of weather conditions, making it a robust solution against droughts.


  • Technological Advancements: Modern desalination technologies, especially those incorporating renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, have significantly reduced operational costs and environmental impacts.


Cons of Desalination:


  • Environmental Impact: The intake and discharge processes in conventional desalination can harm marine life. Large volumes of seawater intake can trap and kill marine organisms, while the discharge of hypersaline brine can increase salinity levels in local water bodies, negatively affecting marine ecosystems. This raises the question, “Are Desalination Plants Sustainable?”


  • Energy Consumption: Conventional desalination is an energy-intensive process. Despite technological advancements, the energy required to desalinate seawater remains high, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. 


  • Cost: Desalination is expensive due to high energy consumption,high maintenance need, CAPEX intensive plant construction, oversized for managing seasonal variations, and environmental compliance costs. 


3. Subsea SWRO

Leading the Way in Sustainable Desalination

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3. Subsea SWRO

To address the limitations of traditional land-based desalination plants, subsea reverse osmosis systems have been developed. These systems, designed for installation at depths of 300 to 600 meters, retain the primary functions of their terrestrial counterparts but with significant simplifications at every step, due to the advantages provided by deep-sea conditions and operational methods.



Advantages of Subsea Desalination: Clean and Consistent Water


When going below 200 meters water depth, into the dysphotic zone, also known as the twilight zone, the quality of the water improves and is seasonally consistent. As only a small portion of sunlight penetrates to this depth, photosynthesis is no longer possible or becomes greatly reduced. The lack of photosynthesis, and the reduced oxygen levels at depth, results in significantly lower levels of bacteria, organics, and colloidal/ particulate matter which greatly simplifies the design of the SWRO system.


Another benefit of deep water is the inherent consistency in the water quality. At these depths, the system is not sensitive to seasonal variations, weather anomalies such as storms or heatwaves, algal bloom events, or to contaminations from rivers and other sources. This allows for designing the entire system with a well-defined feed water quality, eliminating the need to overdesign the system for rare events.


The benefits of deep water quality not only simplify and improve the operation of the pre-treatment system but also enhance the reverse osmosis membrane operation. The significantly lower levels of naturally occurring plankton, organics, and colloidal / particulate matter provides a significant reduction in the occurrence of biofouling, and the related cost of maintenance linked to bio-fouling of both pre-treatment as well as RO membranes.



Harnessing Naturally Occurring High Feed Pressure


Another significant advantage of deep-sea SWRO systems is the surrounding hydrostatic pressure, which can be utilized to reduce energy consumption by 30-50% compared to modern SWRO systems with energy recovery systems. At optimal depths of 300 to 600 meters, the ambient pressure aligns with the osmotic pressure needed for desalination, reducing the energy required to push water through the membranes.


This installation depth also allows for placing the high-pressure pump downstream of the reverse osmosis membranes, on the permeate side, drawing water over the membranes rather than pushing it through. This means that energy is focused only on the permeate side. This means energy is focused only on the product water, unlike in terrestrial SWRO plants where energy is used to pressurize the entire feed stream.


The naturally available high pressure feed not only minimizes specific energy consumption but also allows for operation at a low Recovery Rate (R) without negatively affecting the energy consumption. This low R does lower the required Trans Membrane Pressure (TMP) and lowers the Concentration Polarization (CP).


Flocean's Desal: Revolutionizing Sustainable Desalination


Flocean’s groundbreaking subsea system, Flocean Desal, represents a major breakthrough in SWRO. Based on four decades of subsea technology experience in Norway and developed with subsea engineering principles, it harnesses the natural benefits of the deep sea to provide the world’s most efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution on the market. Unlike traditional desalination plants, Flocean’s subsea approach minimizes land use and environmental impact while enhancing energy efficiency.​

Traditional desalination plants VS Flocean’s subsea desalination.jpg

Source Flocean AS

In addition to energy efficiency and operational simplifications, the surrounding oceanic pressure enables the use of low-cost equipment by reducing the differential pressure on pipes and RO pressure vessels. Unlike terrestrial systems, which require robust infrastructure to withstand high pressures, the subsea system benefits from a natural overpressure, significantly lowering pipeline manufacturing and installation costs.



Process Schematic


The process schematic below illustrates the flow of raw seawater through the subsea system, highlighting key stages such as:


  1. Inlet Screen Pre-treatment: The seawater first passes through the inlet screen for pre-treatment.

  2. Crossflow Pump: Next, it moves to the Crossflow Pump, which creates crossflow in the system.

  3. Reverse Osmosis Membranes: The desalination occurs as the water passes through the reverse osmosis membranes.

  4. Product Pump: The Product Pump then draws the water through the RO elements and increases the pressure to pump it to shore.

Flocean Subsea  Desalination Schematic showing Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Source Flocean AS.

Pod process schematic, line thicknesses indicating the relative difference in flow (not to scale)

Flocean’s innovative design also includes a backflush line for pre-treatment, which enhances the system's reliability. By utilizing the product pump to pull water through the membranes, the system achieves superior Specific Energy Consumption (SEC), setting a new standard for efficiency in desalination.



Summary of Environmental and Economic Benefits With Flocean Desal


Flocean's innovative discharge strategy ensures that the concentrate, which is almost at ambient seawater salinity and free of chemicals, is diluted effectively within 30 meters of the discharge point, thus minimizing its environmental impact. The discharge is chemical-free and low-salinity, reaching ambient salinity before interacting with the seabed fauna and flora. 



Harnessing purity and pressure of deep ocean water provides numerous advantages, including:


  1. Reduction in energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions of 30 – 50% compared to that of state-of-the-art conventional SWRO plants.

  • This follows from using the hydrostatic head of the ocean to allow for the high-pressure pump to be placed on the permeate production side rather than having to pressurize the full feed stream.


2. Protection of marine life through:

  • Green concentrate discharge in areas of low biological activity: The subsea desalination approach, operating at low recovery rates, free from chemicals, and discharging in deep water depths, where the biological productivity is low, inherently addresses all the challenges of conventional outfalls and minimizes the environmental impact of brine discharge. The technology can be viewed as a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) solution, as 100% of what is pumped up is product water and nothing is returned to the ocean. 

  • Safe intake design: Deep-water intake systems have lower concentrations of living marine organisms and ichthyoplankton, minimizing the environmental impact, such as those concerning surface intake systems with impingement and entrainment of marine life.


3. Reduction in land use:

As coastal areas become more populated, space on land for large infrastructure projects like desalination plants becomes limited. By moving the facilities underwater, it frees up valuable coastal land space, reduces the visual impact, and lessen the environmental footprint on coastal ecosystems. In some cases, like smaller island communities, the concern is not only that coastal areas are popular but more importantly, there is no available space to develop terrestrial plants.


In addition, subsea desalination 4) reduces the risk of accidents as no personnel is present around the high-pressure equipment and rotating equipment; 5) improves the physical security of this critical infrastructure; 6) enables for competitive decentralized desalination with reduced water conveyance cost and CO2 emissions and reduced leakage and maintenance cost related to large water networks.


Flocean's technology also addresses the critical issue of microplastics in our oceans. It offers the dual benefit of producing clean water while minimizing plastic pollution. The system includes live sensors to detect microplastics in real time and 'harvest' them using the deep-sea RO system. Considering the impact on marine species over the next 50 years, the design and operation of Flocean Desal systems are intended to ensure minimal ecological disruption. While life does exist at these depths, the species found are typically larger fish and less sensitive to variations in salinity. Continuous monitoring and adaptive management practices will be essential to ensure that any potential impacts on newly discovered species are mitigated. The area surrounding Flocean Desal's operations is expected to remain largely unaffected due to the effective dilution and minimal increase in salinity of the discharge. This all helps to ensures a minimal environmental impact in the long run. 



A Sustainable Path Forward


As the global population continues to grow and climate change intensifies, the role of leading desalination companies and the implementation of large-scale desalination projects will be critical in ensuring that municipalities can provide their residents with a reliable and sustainable water supply. Subsea desalination offers superior alternative to traditional desalination methods. 

By merging the expertise from offshore engineering and water treatment sectors, this innovative approach provides a cost efficient, sustainable solution for access to clean drinking water for future generations.


As cities around the world strive to secure their water futures, subsea desalination offers a promising and sustainable path forward. Huge energy savings correlate with affordability, cutting the levelized cost of water in half. In turn, less expensive desalination helps to secure the global water and food supply.


4. Applications and Benefits

Municipal Fresh Water Supply: Solving Municipal water needs 

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4. Applications and Benefits

The advancement of subsea desalination technology is setting a new benchmark in addressing the municipal water needs of urban populations globally. As water scarcity increases due to climate change and population growth, traditional water sources are proving insufficient. Subsea desalination offers a sustainable solution by leveraging the vast, underutilized resources of our oceans, providing deep sea drinking water. This method is particularly pivotal for municipalities striving to secure a reliable water supply while mitigating environmental impacts.


The technology's energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact make it an attractive option for urban water supply. By reducing reliance on traditional water sources and minimizing the ecological footprint, subsea desalination can help cities achieve long-term water sustainability.


The world’s largest desalination plant by volume, or at least one of the largest, is located in the United Arab Emirates, is a testament to the scale and effectiveness of this method. The Jebel Ali Desalination Plant in Dubai has a maximum capacity of 2.23 million cubic meters of water per day. The plant utilizes both multistage flash distillation (MSF) and reverse osmosis (RO) techniques to produce potable water. The Jebel Ali plant is a critical infrastructure asset for Dubai, supporting both its water and power needs​


Most of the top 10 largest desalination plants in the world are primarily located in the Middle East, where they address severe water scarcity challenges on a massive scale. Other top plants include Ras Al Khair in Saudi Arabia and Sorek in Israel​. 


In the USA, the Carlsbad Desalination Plant in California is a prime example of how desalination is being utilized to meet municipal water demands. It is among the largest desalination plants in the United States, providing about 189,000 cubic meters of fresh water per day, catering to approximately 400,000 people. The plant employs reverse osmosis technology, which is currently the most widely used method due to its efficiency and effectiveness in removing contaminants from seawater. This technology is pivotal for cities like San Diego, which rely heavily on imported water sources. 


The UK's approach to desalination includes the Thames Gateway Water Treatment Works, which can supply up to 150 million liters of potable water per day during drought conditions. This plant highlights the UK's commitment to integrating desalination into its water management strategies to ensure a consistent and reliable water supply for its urban populations.


Examples from Greece, Spain, France, Italy, and Cyprus demonstrate the diverse applications and benefits of subsea desalination. Mediterranean countries like Turkey, Morocco, and Algeria, facing significant water challenges, could greatly benefit from this technology. As the need for clean water solutions in developing countries grows, the role of subsea desalination in global water sustainability becomes increasingly critical.  


Leading water desalination companies like Veolia Water Technologies and Suez are pioneering advancements in desalination techniques and have been instrumental in constructing and operating some of the largest desalination plants globally. These companies are not only enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of desalination processes but are also driving down costs through technological innovations.


One of the significant advantages of subsea desalination systems, such as those developed by Flocean, is their reduced environmental footprint. By utilizing the natural ambient pressure of deep-sea environments, Flocean’s Desal system achieves substantial energy savings and lower operational costs compared to traditional land-based plants



Industrial Applications of Subsea Desalination: Offering Water Sustainability Solutions for Industrial Needs


The majority of our water usage is allocated to agriculture and industry, contributing to the food and products we consume. Consider a bottle of soda. Surprisingly, 98% of the water involved in its production is not contained in the bottle itself. Instead, it is used in growing the ingredients that make up the beverage. Producing a single glass of beer requires about 74 liters of water. For a cup of coffee, it's 130 liters. Your cotton shorts? They take around 2,500 liters of water to produce, and as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more embedded in our daily lives, every AI prompt—from simple queries to complex computations—requires significant water for data center cooling. With the rapid increase in AI usage, the strain on our already limited water resources is also intensifying.


Just as subsea desalination technology is transforming municipal water supply, it is also revolutionizing industrial applications by providing an efficient, sustainable, and scalable solution for water-intensive processes. For industrial users, ocean water desal offers significant cost-effectiveness and reliability. Industries located near coastlines can benefit from a stable and sustainable water supply, reducing their dependence on freshwater resources. This is particularly important for sectors such as manufacturing, power generation, and mining, where water is a critical component of operations. Subsea desalination ensures a consistent water supply while minimizing environmental impact and operational costs.



Agricultural Needs and Water Management: Leveraging Subsea Desalination for Sustainable Farming


Agriculture is the largest consumer of freshwater resources globally, accounting for approximately 70% of all withdrawals. One of the items with the highest water footprint is meat. For example, alfalfa, a common component of cattle feed, needs 510 liters of water per kilogram to grow. An average cow eats about 12 kilograms of feed daily. Breaking it down, a single quarter-pound hamburger demands approximately 1,650 liters of water to produce. As global consumption rises, diets rich in meat and high calories are becoming more common. However, this level of consumption is unsustainable as there isn't enough water globally to support it.


Moreover, many countries cultivate their most water-intensive crops in some of their driest regions, exacerbating the problem. As climate change and population growth intensify, the demand for sustainable agricultural water management solutions becomes critical. Subsea desalination offers a viable solution, offering a reliable and sustainable water source, essential for maintaining food production and ensuring food security, particularly in regions facing severe water scarcity.



Importance of Desalination for Agriculture


The integration of subsea desalination into agricultural water management can transform farming practices, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, which receive low annual rainfall and frequently experience droughts. For instance, the combination of subsea SWRO and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, known as agrivoltaics, enhances water use efficiency and resilience. This system allows for the simultaneous generation of renewable energy and the production of fresh water, optimizing land use and reducing reliance on traditional freshwater sources.



Case Studies and Examples


In the USA, subsea desalination projects have shown significant promise. The Carlsbad Desalination Plant in California, one of the largest in the country, provides an essential water source for both municipal and agricultural needs. This plant utilizes advanced RO technology to produce approximately 189,000 cubic meters of fresh water per day, supporting the irrigation needs of vast agricultural lands in Southern California.


Similarly, in Spain, the Torrevieja Desalination Plant is a key player in the agricultural sector. This facility, as mentioned before, is capable of producing up to 240,000 cubic meters of fresh water daily, supplies water to extensive agricultural areas, demonstrating the critical role of desalination in supporting food production in water-scarce regions.



Water Management Solutions for Agriculture


Effective water management in agriculture involves not only securing sufficient water supplies but also optimizing water use. Precision agriculture technologies, including smart irrigation systems, are instrumental in achieving this goal. These systems use data on weather conditions, soil moisture levels, and crop water requirements to schedule irrigation more efficiently, reducing water waste and enhancing crop yields.


For example, smart irrigation controllers can reduce water use by up to 20%, significantly benefiting farmers by lowering costs and conserving water resources. The adoption of precision agriculture practices, such as using AI models to predict crop water needs, further enhances the efficiency and sustainability of water use in farming.



Addressing Droughts and Water Scarcity


Subsea desalination provides a robust solution to the challenges of drought and water scarcity. By tapping into the vast seawater resources, this technology offers a drought-proof method of producing fresh water. This capability is particularly beneficial for regions vulnerable to frequent droughts, ensuring a continuous water supply for agricultural activities even during prolonged dry periods.



Soybean Water Use and Efficiency


The efficient use of water in agriculture is crucial for crops for example, coffee beans and soybeans, which require substantial water inputs. A soybean water use chart typically illustrates the water requirements throughout the growing season, highlighting the importance of timely and adequate irrigation. By utilizing desalinated water, farmers can ensure that their crops receive the necessary hydration without depleting freshwater reserves.

A soybean water use chart.png

Source. A soybean water use chart taken from a study on “Water use efficiency of soybeans”

by Agricultural Research Council


5. Examining Key Markets Confronting Water Challenges

Greece, Spain, France, Italy and Cyprus

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5. Examining Key Markets



Greece faces considerable water challenges, particularly during the dry summer months when water demand peaks due to tourism. The country's reliance on groundwater and surface water sources has led to over-extraction, causing environmental degradation and salinization of aquifers. Water desalination, specifically subsea desalination, offers a promising water solution for Greece, providing a sustainable method to meet the growing water needs.


Subsea desalination projects, like those near Crete, are designed to utilize the country’s extensive coastal resources. These water desalination projects aim to provide a steady supply of clean water to local communities and the tourism industry, ensuring a reliable and sustainable source of fresh water.





Spain has established itself as a leader in desalination technology, with significant contributions from water desalination companies like Acciona Agua and Abengoa Water. The country has been at the forefront of developing and implementing reverse osmosis (RO) systems, which are widely recognized for their efficiency and effectiveness.


In addition to traditional desalination methods, Spain is exploring subsea desalination as an innovative approach to address water scarcity. Innovative projects in Spain also include integrating renewable energy sources, such as floating solar panels and offshore wind turbines, to power desalination plants. However, challenges include the high energy consumption of RO systems and the environmental impact of concentrate disposal.





France is exploring the potential of subsea desalination through various research initiatives and pilot projects. The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is conducting studies on the viability and environmental impact of deep-sea desalination units. These projects leverage France’s technological expertise and maritime resources to develop sustainable subsea desalination solutions.


Pilot projects in the Mediterranean are particularly promising, showcasing the benefits of subsea desalination, such as reduced energy consumption and minimal environmental impact. The consistent quality of deep-sea water, combined with advanced pre-treatment processes, ensures a reliable supply of potable water with lower operational costs. However, the high cost of subsea infrastructure and the technical challenges of deep-sea operations remain significant hurdles.





Italy faces significant water scarcity issues, especially in its southern regions. Offshore and subsea desalination techniques are being utilized to address these challenges effectively. Projects like the Sicily Desalination Initiative demonstrate the potential of these technologies to provide sustainable water solutions.


Case studies from Italy highlight the success of subsea desalination in preserving marine ecosystems while providing clean water. For example, the subsea desalination project off the coast of Sardinia has shown how deep-sea intake systems can reduce the environmental footprint by minimizing the impact on marine life. Despite these benefits, the high installation and maintenance costs of subsea systems pose challenges that need to be addressed through continued innovation and investment.





Cyprus has long struggled with water scarcity, driven by its Mediterranean climate and limited freshwater resources. The country has embraced both land-based and offshore water desalination solutions to address these challenges. Key projects, such as the Dhekelia Desalination Plant, utilize reverse osmosis technology to supply potable water to the island’s population.

Offshore water desalination is becoming increasingly important for Cyprus, with initiatives aimed at integrating renewable energy sources to power these plants. The use of solar and wind energy not only reduces the environmental impact but also ensures a more sustainable and reliable water supply. These advancements in water desalination are crucial for securing Cyprus's water future amidst growing demand and changing climate conditions.


6. Conclusion

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6. Conclusion

Subsea desalination holds immense potential to revolutionize water solutions across various sectors and countries. Examples from Greece, Spain, France, Italy, and Cyprus illustrate the diverse applications and benefits of this technology. Leading water desalination companies must continue to innovate to develop more efficient and sustainable systems. Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Morocco, and Algeria also face significant water challenges that could be mitigated through subsea desalination technologies.


As clean water solutions for developing countries become increasingly critical, the role of subsea desalination in global water sustainability cannot be overstated. However, desalination is not a comprehensive solution to water scarcity. It serves as one method to help bridge the gap between water supply and demand. For some communities around the world, desalination is already having a significant local impact. It is important to see desalination as one tool among many, and to achieve the greatest benefit, it should be used in combination with other strategies.


Israel offers a good example of this approach. They have invested heavily in seawater desalination while also improving efficiency, resulting in much lower per capita water usage compared to places like California or many parts of the United States. This efficient use of water reduced the urgency to build new plants, allowing them to construct smaller facilities, which in turn saved costs for the community.


Continued investment and innovation in the field of desalination is essential to address the growing water challenges and ensure a secure water future for more people.


7. Investor Insights

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7. Investor Insights

The global water market is increasingly recognizing the importance of innovative desalination technologies like subsea desalination. A few years back, The bank Goldman Sachs predicted that water would be the petroleum of the 21st century. 


For investors, the potential return on investment (ROI) is significant, given the growing demand for access to clean drinking water solutions and the competitive advantages of subsea systems. The financial benefits of investing in new subsea desalination technologies like Flocean Desal’s include reduced energy costs, lower operational expenses, and the ability to scale efficiently.


Successful implementations of subsea desalination systems demonstrate the technology's viability and potential for widespread adoption. Case studies highlight the economic and environmental benefits, showcasing how subsea desalination can address water scarcity while providing attractive investment opportunities.


8. Strategic Partnerships

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8. Strategic Partnerships

Advancing subsea desalination technologies requires strategic partnerships and collaboration with other companies, research institutions, and government agencies. These partnerships are essential for driving innovation, securing funding, and expanding market reach. By working together, stakeholders can accelerate the development and deployment of subsea desalination systems, ensuring that the technology reaches its full potential.


Opportunities for collaboration include joint research and development projects, pilot programs, and partnerships with utilities and water management agencies. These collaborations can help demonstrate the effectiveness of subsea desalination and build the necessary infrastructure for large-scale implementation.


9. Final Words

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9. Final Words

Desalination is a crucial tool in addressing water scarcity. Its reliability is becoming increasingly important, but it is not a complete solution and should be used alongside other techniques. Many water-scarce communities around the world already rely heavily on desalination. As climate change continues to impact our planet, the development of new technologies in desalination, such as those by Flocean, which reduce energy use, operational costs, and environmental harm, will play a significant role. With new technological advancements in subsea desalination, fresh water can be extracted from the ocean in a more environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and cost-effective manner, making access to fresh water more affordable and accessible for municipal, industrial, and agricultural needs. By leveraging the unique conditions of the deep sea, subsea desalination overcomes the limitations of traditional methods and provides a path toward long-term water sustainability.​

As water scarcity continues to pose a significant threat, the adoption of advanced desalination technologies like those developed by Flocean is crucial. 

Flocean is spearheaded by a team of experts with extensive experience in subsea technology and water treatment. The company is a subsea technology spin-off from the Norwegian company FSubsea and Fuglesangs AS, leveraging more than 100 years of subsea processing experience in challenging pumping and dynamic sealing applications across various industries. They have delivered more than 70 subsea pumps, including 20 that are similar to those used in the Flocean system, with several operating at depths of up to 1000 meters. The Flocean Desal system has been validated by DNV, the world’s largest classification society focused on marine and offshore projects and technologies. The team is driven by a passion for creating positive change and addressing the global water crisis, committed to delivering effective and eco-friendly solutions for a better future for generations to come.


How desalination will fit into the future of clean water remains to be seen, but Flocean's innovative new technology is set to help steer it in the right direction.


Potential partners, investors, and media are invited to join Flocean in advancing this technology, spreading the word, and contributing to a future where clean water is accessible to more people.​​


10. References and Further Reading

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10. References and Further Reading
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